Wireless IoT monitoring of environmental conditions

Non-invasive, secure and affordable

Benefits of IoT monitoring

Mobile solution

A completely mobile solution that communicates from anywhere and runs on batteries for years.

Wireless communication

Devices communicate wirelessly and independently of your network. The signal is available anywhere.

Data in Microsoft Power BI

Clear reports on conditions can be found on your computer and phone in Microsoft Power BI.

Let's start monitoring conditions in your facilities together

1. Online meeting

Submit the form below and we will contact you to arrange an online meeting. We will discuss how the program works, your questions and together we will select the variables to monitor.

2. Deployment - the start of the pilot

We will install the sensors and integrate them with selected applications within 30 days. Installation takes only a few tens of minutes and you will have data about your environment immediately.

3. Monitoring and evaluation.

Data about environmental conditions will be instantly available on your computer and phone. Together we will look at the data, evaluate the benefits and discuss further possibilities for deploying and extending IoT monitoring.
Make an appointment


Monthly fee includes facility rental, special IoT connectivity, cloud API and PowerBI report. Pricing is based on the type and number of variables monitored and the commitment length.

Temperature and humidity

Air temperature and humidity monitoring, e.g. for audits, storage, heating.
  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Illuminance
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Noise level
  • Motion detection
From 6.80 EUR / month

Temperature, humidity and illuminance

Monitor temperature, humidity and light illuminance.
  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Illuminance
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Noise level
  • Motion detection
From 8.00 EUR / month

Quality of indoor conditions

Monitoring of indoor environmental quality conditions, for example in offices.
  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Illuminance
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Noise level
  • Motion detection
From 9.60 EUR / month

Fast and carefree

You can do the installation yourself, or we can help you. We'll get started within 30 days.

Instant data from objects

Immediately after installation, you will see data on your phone and computer.

Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are not satisfied, you can return the device to us within 100 days.

Partner of the Facility Report

Antonio Mendes
Chief Sales Officer

Leave me a contact, I'll get back to you

Your FAQ

How is the facility.report program going?

After submitting the form, we will contact you to arrange a time to meet online. We aim to answer your questions and select the variables we will monitor.

How many devices can I order?

The minimum number of devices is 10, the maximum number is not limited.

How do you transfer the data? Is it secure?

We transmit data over NB-IoT and LTE-M wireless networks. They have excellent coverage, including indoor areas of buildings. The network is completely independent of your internal network, the transmission is secure.

Where will we see the data?

In facility.report we work with Microsoft Power BI report. See what it can look like here. But if you need to see the data elsewhere, we'll find a way to do it. With the help of our partners, we also offer custom web applications.

What determines the price?

The monthly fee depends on what variables you want to monitor and at how many locations.

What is included in the price?

The monthly fee includes equipment rental, dedicated IoT connectivity, cloud API, data storage for reporting purposes, and PowerBI reporting.

Do you only offer rental, or is it possible to buy the solution?

You can also purchase the device as a one-time purchase. Afterwards, you only pay for the internet connection and possibly also for storing the data for reports.